Baldwin is now owned by the Gibson Guitar Company. It enjoys a leading position among the world's artistic musical instruments. The system or chain of scientific improvements of the Baldwin piano based on the law of acoustics, and known as the Baldwin acoustic system, which permitted the greatest conservation of tone, secures an artistic result of the highest quality, and has resulted in gaining for. Pianos bearing this well known and an honorable name is the product of The Baldwin Piano and in the best sense of the word, instruments of the highest degree of excellence. This company's purchasing power contributed immeasurably to the integrity and value of instruments that were made in the various Divisions.

The affiliation of the various houses that formed this large and powerful contributing force to the art of music, insures for each a wider scope for musical activity in that each of its units was of the highest quality in its grade, which had an extraordinary economy of production. During 1960 the work force included only excellent craftsmen under the direction of people who had been associated with these fine makes for many years, thus preserving unimpaired the Individual and distinctive quality of each piano. Faith in the industry and the conviction that the piano industry needed someone to keep the venerable manufacturers in operation, Aeolian has acquired companies which would not otherwise have survived. Heller and associates acquired the Sears interest and devoted the production to defense work during World War II.